The colors represent different states of being or emotional and personal attributes. A simplified interpretation of the colors is as follows:
- Blue Calming, harmony, peace, empathy, divine will, artistic, highly spiritual
- Violet Mystical, magical, psychic, unconventional, intuitive, visionary
- Lavender Psychic, meditative, graceful, imaginative, creative
- Indigo Astute, creative, truth seeker, intuitive, sensitive, logical
- White Transcendent, spiritually evolved, purity, angelic, cosmically aligned
- Yellow Intelligence, creative, optimistic, sunny, happy
- Orange Creative, self confident, vitality, good health, stamina, social
- Gold Spiritual energy, inspiration, prosperity
- Red(murky) Pain, emotional hurt, depressed, trauma
- Red(bright) Passion, intense, powerful, sexual
- Red(dark) Repressed anger, resentment, rage, revenge
- Pink Unconditional love, compassion, sensitive, affectionate, divine love
- Green Healing, growth, balance, teacher, healer
The depth and hue of the color is determined by the emotional or spiritual response to different life experiences. Ideally, the colors should be bright and clear. The murky or dull colors represent emotional issues that have not been resolved or physical conditions that need attention.
Each color also represents parts of the physical body. Red corresponds to the heart and circulation, Orange to the reproductive system and stamina, Yellow refers to the spleen and life force, Green correlates to the heart and lungs, Blue; throat, Indigo; third eye, pituitary, visual, Violet to the crown, nervous system and pineal gland.
My aura
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